Dad: TD-1 Skymaster, Son: TD-4 Flight Trainer. |
"Save the friendly Space Bug species!" Decal from the box of a 1952 Space Bug.
And then there were those propellers! Of
course made from solid Nylon - not only tough enough to withstand your
search for the holy grail of a perfect landing, but even DUBL-TUF...
Today, most people stay away from "EXTRA Flexibility" propellers, but would still be interested in buying a nice propeller for 20 cents. A more usual propeller package as you would have bought it in your local hobby shop around 1960. Price raised to a whopping 25 cents per prop. |
1945 L. M. Cox Manufacturing Co., Inc. founded by L. M. Cox. 1947 1952 1963 1965 1969 1970 1971 1983 1995 1996 2005
2009 Today, a limited selection of engines,
spare parts and related stuff is available from: |
The stuff which powered your dreams, smelled great, and left ugly stains on your trousers! |
Each year, new models were added to the range of
Cox powered models. Often the same model re-appeared in a new outfit or in a different color scheme.
The "Bendix Trophy Racer" came
ready to fly in an eye catching Avion Flight Set box (1964). The early Cox catalogues presented the models in such great artists impressions. |
This spare part paper bag shows the Thimble Drome (TD) logo and mentions the TEM-TROL temperature control system used for the manufacturing process. Due to constant temperatures and high coolant flow rates, it was possible to achieve excellent precision and high quality standards, long before the era of CNC machines. |
I want to note that most of the contents of these web pages became possible due to communication via the internet, because of nice people who answered my stupid questions. Especially helpful has been the extremely thorough historical research by Dan Sitter, published in the Engine Collectors Journal (ECJ). Additional important information came from Ken Croft, Bob Gardner, Paul Gibeault, Peter Tarn, Larry Renger, Joe Wagner, Max Zuijdendorp, and many others.
Thank you all for sharing small bits and large chunks of information!
My pages about the Cox company and their products are purely non-commercial and intended to preserve a chapter of model aviation history as well as fond memories. A lot of effort and time went into its text, graphics and layout which are protected by copyrighted law. You may not use any material from this web site without permission for commercial purposes. The copyright to directly reproduced Cox material belongs to the original company and possibly its legal successors. Estes-Cox has been informed about the full content of these pages in the year 2000.
Last modification of this page: 21.05.18
[Back to Home Page] Suggestions? Corrections? Remarks? e-mail: Martin Hepperle.
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© 1996-2018 Martin Hepperle
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