Programmers Guide |
JavaProp is written in Java. While it is intended primarily as an interactive tool is can sometimes be nice to run JavaProp automatically. Now JavaProp does not come with an embedded scripting language like JavaFoil, but its Java classes can also be used from outside.
All programming languages or applications which are able to load and call Java classes should be able to create JavaProp objects and call methods these objects.
The most straightforward way is of course to use the Java language. If you have installed JavaProp using the Windows installer and look into the installation directory, you will find a directory named Automation/Java. Inside this directory you will find and example file and a directory docs which contains the documentation for the Propeller object and its methods. Following the comments in the example you should be able to create a JavaProp object and call methods inside this object to design or analyze propellers similar to the functionality provided by the GUI.
There are always some ingenious users out there who find new ways to exploit JavaProp. Ed Waugh of the University of Southampton sent me his Matlab files which make it possible to use JavaProp from Matlab. If you look again in the installation directory, you will find the directory Automation/Matlab_Octave. Here you find some *.m example files as well as documentation in PDF format. The document Propeller-Object.pdf contains more details about the methods available.
Unfortunately I do not have Matlab at home, but I found a similar tool: Gnu Octave. Octave also talks the Matlab language and there is a only slightly different way to access Java classes. I have modified one of Ed's example files so that you can use them also with Octave.
Another popular environment is Mathematica from Wolfram Research. Again you find a simple example in the Automation/Mathematica directory to demonstrate the basic usage of JavaProp inside Mathematica
This successful script language cannot directly create Java objects. However, there is an implementation of Python written in Java, which makes provides this feature. Again you find simple examples in the Automation/Python directory to get you started with JavaProp in Python
While all this comes without guarantee, I would be interested in hearing from you if you find bugs in these example files or have added some more interfaces to other programming systems. If they could be interesting for other users I could put them into the JavaProp distribution.
Last modification of this page: 21.05.18
[Back to Home Page] Suggestions? Corrections? Remarks? e-mail: Martin Hepperle.
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