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zum Seitenanfang Dr. Martin Hepperle Engineering

Dr. Martin Hepperle
Myrtenweg 1
D-38108 Braunschweig

Internet Web-Site:
Martin Hepperle


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1985 Master in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Stuttgart (Diplom-Ingenieur)
Junior Thesis with D. Althaus: "Introduction of Digital Data Processing at the Model Wind Tunnel"
Senior Thesis with Prof. Dr. R. Eppler: "A Computer Program for the Design and Analysis of Propellers"
1986 - 1993 Assistant at Prof. Dr. R. Eppler's Institute A of Mechanics at the University of Stuttgart
1992 Doctoral Thesis with Prof. Dr. R. Eppler and Prof. Dr. S. Wagner: "A Contribution to the Aerodynamics of Propellers, taking a Free Wake into Account"
1993 - 1998 Scientific staff member at Prof. Dr. H. Körners Institute of Design Aerodynamics at the DLR in Braunschweig
1998 - 2001 Project aerodynamicist at the Low Speed Wind Tunnel Braunschweig (NWB) of the German Dutch Wind Tunnels (DNW)
since 2001 Scientific staff member at the Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Technology at the DLR in Braunschweig
since 1980 Consultant for a Publishing Company, numerous publications about aerodynamics for model aircraft
2005 - 2009 Member of the editorial board of the journal "Aerospace Science and Technology" (AS&T)
10/2010 - 4/2011 Work in "Future Projects Office", Airbus SAS, Toulouse.
since 2010 "Field Editor" of the "CEAS Aeronautical Journal"
2011 "Ehrennadel der Deutschen Luftfahrt" as a member of the Solar Impulse Team, awarded by the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DGLR)"


zum Seitenanfang Company History

1987 Startup in Stuttgart as a home business for development and distribution of technical software and aerodynamics consulting. Develoment of custom software for Microsoft Windows, starting with version 1.
1993 Moved to Braunschweig due to new job at the German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR).


zum Seitenanfang Projects & Highlights

Design of a propeller for the 50 kW engine Grob 2500 of the aircraft Grob 109 B. Airfoil design by Prof. Dr. R. Eppler.
Design of a 60 kW stall controlled wind turbine including a new set of airfoils.
Design of several propellers for ultra-light aircraft including airfoil design.
Airfoil design for a 6-place canard plane project of the École Nationale Supériore Aerospatiale, Toulouse, Frankreich.
Airfoil design for torque compensation of a vertical drive shaft for boats ("Schottel-thrusters").
Consulting and support for the design of the propellers for the high altitude aircraft "Strato 2C".
Design of a propeller for the electric motor glider "Antares" built by Lange Flugzeugbau.
Design of engine inlets for wind tunnel tests of turbofan-engine simulators (TPS).
Several airfoil designs for gliders, parafoils and home built flying wings.
Several airfoil designs for low Reynolds numbers (model aircraft).
Planning and supervision of numerous wind tunnel tests for automotive and aeronautical industry and research institutes.
Software development in FORTRAN, Visual Basic, C, C++, and Java. Translation of commercial software from English to German.
Design of the propellers and some aerodynamic details for the solar powered aircraft "Solar Impulse"
  Design of propeller for  for the solar powered aircraft "Sunseeker Duo"
  Design of the propeller for the electric powered aircraft "Archaeopteryx"


zum Seitenanfang Mission

Calculations concerning the aerodynamics of
  • airfoil sections,
  • wings,
  • propellers and
  • fuselages and bodies.

Experimental work can be subcontrated.

Development of technical software
  • Microsoft Windows, UNIX,
  • Aerodynamics, graphics, CAD,
  • WEB-Design,
  • Translations of software German - English, English - German,
  • C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, FORTRAN.


zum Seitenanfang Tools

Several approved numerical methods are available
  • 2D design and analysis (Eppler, Dini, Drela, BGK),
  • 3D panel methods for wings, configurations and propellers (Hess/Smith),
  • 3D vortex lattice methods for wings, configurations and propellers,
  • design and analysis program PROPPY for propellers (blade element and momentum theory)


Start of Page Publications

1984 R. Eppler, M. Hepperle, "A Procedure for Propeller Design by Inverse Methods" [PDF Document], published in: G.S. Dulikravich, proceedings of the International Conference on Inverse Design Concepts in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES), pp. 445-460, Austin TX, October 17-18, 1984.
1985 M. Hepperle, "Aerodynamische Auslegung eines Propellers für Ultraleicht-Flugzeuge", Interner Bericht, 1985.
1987 M. Hepperle, R. Eppler, "Aerodynamische Auslegung einer Wind-Turbine", Interner Bericht für die Universität Hamburg-Harburg, 1987.
1988 M. Hepperle, "Design of two Airfoils for a Canard Airplane", Internal Report for ENSAE, Toulouse 1988.
M. Hepperle, "Die Profile der NACA 4-er Serie", FMT Kolleg 1, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1988
M. Hepperle, "Spline Programm", FMT Kolleg 1, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1988
M. Hepperle, "Neue Profile für Nurflügelmodelle", Vortrag auf dem II. Nurflügelfliegen der Oskar Ursinus Vereinigung (OUV), 1988, Tannheim (siehe auch: Aerokurier 1/1992).
M. Hepperle, "Neue Profile für Nurflügelmodelle - MH 60, MH 61, MH 62, MH 64", FMT Kolleg 2, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1988
1989 M. Hepperle, "Rechnerische Analyse des HQ 1.5/8", FMT Kolleg 6, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1989
M. Hepperle, "Anmerkungen zur Leistungskennzahl", FMT Kolleg 6, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1989
1990 M. Hepperle, "Über den Einfluß von Bau-Ungenauigkeiten auf die Eigenschaften von Profilen", FMT Kolleg 9, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1990
1991 M. Hepperle, "Profile für Nurflügel", Vortrag auf dem VIII. Nurflügelsymposium der Oskar Ursinus Vereinigung (OUV), 1991, Scheidegg (siehe auch: Aerokurier 1/1992).
M. Hepperle, "Neue Profile für Elektro-Pylonrennmodelle - MH 30, MH 32, MH 43", FMT Kolleg 10, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1991
1992 M. Hepperle, "Aero Design - Ein Programm unter der Lupe", FMT Kolleg 13, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1992
1994 M. Hepperle, C.-C. Rossow, "Euler Analysis of the P1V15 Nacelle Installed on the ALVAST Transport Configuration", LARA Technical Report LTR 17, 1994.
M. Hepperle, "Neue Profile schnelle Flugmodelle - MH 23, MH 24, MH 25, MH 26, MH 27", FMT Kolleg 17, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1994
1995 O. Bousquet, M. Hepperle, "An Inverse Design Method for Engine Nacelles", 7. STAB Workshop, Göttingen, November 14-16, 1995.
O. Brodersen, A. Ronzheimer, M. Hepperle, C.-C. Rossow, B. Schöning, "Entwicklung des parametrischen Netzgenerierungssystems MegaCads", 7. STAB Workshop, Göttingen, November 14-16, 1995.
M. Hepperle, H. Hoheisel, C.-C. Rossow, "Design and Flowfield Computation of a Very High Bypass Ratio Through Flow Nacelle for F6-Tests", IB 129-95/24, DLR, Institut für Entwurfsaerodynamik, 1995, Braunschweig.
1996 M. Hepperle, W. Bartelheimer, O. Bousquet, "Application of an Inverse Design Method to the Design of Transonic Nacelles", proceedings of the DLR Workshop on Aspects of Engine-Airframe Integration for Transport Aircraft, Braunschweig, 6.-7.3.1996, DLR-Mitteilung 96-01.
O. Brodersen, M. Hepperle, C.-C. Rossow, B. Schöning, "The Parametric Grid Generation System MegaCads", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations, Ed. by K. Soni, J.F. Thompson, J. Häuser, P.R. Eiseman, NSF Engineering Center, 1.-5.4.1996, Mississippi, USA.
O.Brodersen, A. Ronzheimer, M. Hepperle, B. Schöning, R. Ziegler T. Kunert, "Weiterentwicklung des Netzgenerierungssystems MegaCads", p. 38-39, Tagungsband 10. DGLR/AG Stab Symposium, 11.-13.11.1996, Braunschweig.
M. Hepperle, "Profile für Nurflügelmodelle", Teil 1, FMT Kolleg 20, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1996
A. J. Mullender, J. L. Lecordix, E. Lecossais, J. L. Godard, M. Hepperle, "The Elfin II and LARA HLF Nacelles: Design, Manufacture and Test", 2nd European Forum on Laminar Flow Technology, 10.-12.6.1996, Bordeaux, France.
J. L. Lecordix, A. J. Mullender, E. Lecossais, J. L. Godard, M. Hepperle, "Hybrid Laminar Flow Nacelle Design", ICAS-96-2.3.4 in Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, 8.-13.9.1996, Sorrento, Italy.
M. Hepperle, "Laminare Grenzschichten auch an Triebwerksgondeln", DLR-Zeitung "Echtzeit" 5/1996.
1997 M. Hepperle, "Profile für Nurflügelmodelle", Teil 2, FMT Kolleg 21, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1997
M. Hepperle, "Profile für Nurflügelmodelle", Teil 3, FMT Kolleg 22, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden, 1997
M. Hepperle, S. Engemann, "Kalibrierung der Bauteile und Zusammenstellung einer reaktionsarmen Luftdurchführung für Triebwerkssimulatoren mit Druckluftantrieb", IB-97/21, DLR, Institut für Entwurfsaerodynamik, 1997, Braunschweig.
1998 O. Brodersen, A. Ronzheimer, R. Ziegler, T. Kunert, J. Wild, M. Hepperle, "Aerodynamic Applications using MegaCads", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulation, July 6th-9th 1998, London Greenwich, Great Britain.
1999 M. Hepperle, "To Gear or Not to Gear - That's No Question", Free Flight Forum Report, British Model Flying Association (BMFA), pp. 75-82, January 1st, 1999, London, Great Britain.
M. Hepperle, "Propeller für Freiflugmodelle", Freiflug-Seminar der Zeitschrift "Thermiksense", 20.-21. 2. 1999, Herrenberg.
J. L. Godard, O. Brodersen, M. Hepperle, "Aerodynamic Interference Effects with Engines of Different Bypass Ratio on the generic F6 Transport Aircraft Configuration", 7th European Propulsion Forum on Aspects of Engine/Airframe Integration, 10.-12. 3. 1999, Pau, France.

D. Schawe, M. Hepperle, "Numerical Investigation of Jet Effects on the Dornier 328 EC Wind Tunnel Model", IB-129-99/2, DLR, Institut für Entwurfsaerodynamik, 1999, Braunschweig.

M. Hepperle, "Transport Aircraft with Turbine Powered Engine Simulators in DNW-NWB", Annual Report 1998 of the DNW, 1999, Emmeloord.
M. Hepperle, "Die Anlagen des DNW-NWB zur Triebwerkssimulation", 9. AG STAB-Workshop, 9.-10. November 1999, Göttingen.
2001 M. Hepperle, "Aircraft Wake Surveys", Annual Report 2000 of the DNW, 2001, Emmeloord.
M. Hepperle, "The Sonic Cruiser", 10. AG STAB-Workshop, 14.-15. November 2001, Göttingen.
2002 E. Stumpf, M. Hepperle, D. Darracq, E. Meese, G. Elphick, S. Galpin, "Benchmark Test for Euler calculations of a High Lift Configuration Vortex Wake", 40th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit,, 14.-17. January 2002, Reno.
  M. Hepperle, "The Sonic Cruiser - A Concept Analysis", 7. International Symposium "Aerospace Technologies of the XXI Century: New Aircraft Concepts and Flight Simulation", 7.-8. Mai 2002, ILA, Berlin.
 M. Hepperle, "Environmentally Friendly Transport Aircraft", 13th DGLR/STAB Symposium 2002, München, published in "Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design", Springer, Vol. 87, 2004. (PDF version, 183 kB)
2003 M. Hepperle, W. Heinze, "Future Global Range Transport Aircraft", RTO-Symposium on Unconventional Vehicles and Emerging Technologies, Bruxelles, 2003. (PDF version, 756 kB)
M. Hepperle, "Strato 2C - Technik und Leistungen", presentation at the FOGL (Airship Research Group) final forum, 28.-29. July 2003, Stuttgart.
  C. Liersch, M. Hepperle, "Weiterentwicklung eines Traglinienverfahrens und Einbindung in das Vorentwurfsverfahren PrADO", STAB-Workshop, 4./5. November 2003, Göttingen.
2004 H. Strüber, M. Hepperle, "Aerodynamic Optimization of a Flying Wing Transport Aircraft", 14th DGLR/STAB Symposium, 16.-18. November 2004, Bremen, published in "New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics V", Springer, Vol. 92, 2006.
2005 B. Mialon, M. Hepperle, "Flying Wing Aerodynamics Studies at ONERA and DLR", CEAS/KATnet Conference on Key Aerodynamic Technologies. 20-22 June 2005, Bremen.
  M. Lummer, M. Hepperle, J. Delfs, "Towards a Tool for the Noise Assessment of Aircraft Configurations", 8th ASC-CEAS Workshop on "Aeroacoustics of New Aircraft and Engine Configurations", Budapest, Hungary, November 11-12, 2004, ISBN 963 420 842 8
2007 M. Widhalm, A. Ronzheimer, M. Hepperle, "Comparison between Gradient-free and Adjoint Based Aerodynamic Optimization of a Flying Wing Transport Aircraft in Preliminary Design", 25th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 25-28 June 2007, Miami.
2008 M. Hepperle, "ModelCenter at DLR: Applications and Developments", 1st European ModelCenter User's Conference, 15-16 October 2008, Braunschweig.
  M. Hepperle, "MDO of Forward Swept Wings", presentation at the KATnet II Workshop, 28-29 January 2008, Braunschweig
2009 L. Bertsch, O. Schneider, H. Hemmer, M. Hepperle, O. Macke, "Process Implementation for the System Evaluation of new Low-Noise STOL Transportation Concepts", CEAS/KATnet II Conference on Key Aerodynamic Technologies, 12-14 May 2009, Bremen.
  M. Hepperle, "Alternative Flugzeugkonzepte", presentation at the "Flugtechnisches Seminar", 3. July 2009, Technical University Berlin.
  C. Liersch, M. Hepperle, "A Unified Approach for Multidisciplinary Preliminary Aircraft Design", CEAS European Air and Space Conference, 26-29 October 2009, Manchester.
2010 M. Hepperle, "Inverse Aerodynamic Design Procedure for Propellers Having a Prescribed Chord Length Distribution", Journal of Aircraft, Volume 47, Number 6, November-December 2010.
2011 A. Ronzheimer, M. Hepperle, J. Brezillon, O. Brodersen, J. Lieser, "Aerodynamic Optimal Engine Integration at the Fuselage Tail of a Generic Business Jet Configuration", DGLR-Symposium, 2011.
  A. Ronzheimer, M. Hepperle, J. Brezillon, O. Brodersen, J. Lieser, "Aerodynamic Optimal Engine Integration for a Business Jet Configuration", AIAA-Summer Conference, Honolulu, 2011.
  C. Liersch, M. Hepperle, "A distributed toolbox for multidisciplinary preliminary aircraft design", CEAS Aeronautical Journal Vol. 2, No.1, 2011.
  M. Hepperle, "Elektromobilität - auch in der Luft?", 35. Symposium für Segelflugzeugentwicklung, Gersfeld/Wasserkuppe, 17.-18. 11. 2011.
2012 L. Müller, D. Kožulović, M. Hepperle, R. Radespiel, "Installation Effects of a Propeller Over a Wing with Internally Blown Flap", AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, New Orleans, 2012
  L. Müller, D. Kozulovic, M. Hepperle, R. Radespiel, "The Influence of the Propeller Position on the Aerodynamics of a Channel Wing", Proceedings of the 61. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, No. DLRK 2012-281259, Berlin (Germany), 2012.
  M. Hepperle, "A Preliminary Aircraft Design Process", 2nd European ModelCenter User's Conference, 26-27 June 2012, Toulouse.
  M. Hepperle, "Electric Flight - Potential and Limitations [paper]", [presentation], AVT-209 Workshop on Energy Efficient Technologies and Concepts Operation, Lisbon, 22.-24. October 2012.
2013 M. Hepperle, "Low Noise Aircraft Configurations", "Electric Flight - Potential and Limitations", "Flying Wing Transport Aircraft - Review and Research",
Presentation at the CAE-DLR Seminar, Beijing, 14 - 19 September 2013.
  M. Hepperle, "Electric Flight - Potential and Limitations", Presentation at the workshop on "Energy Efficient Aircraft Configurations, Technologies and Concepts of Operation", Sao José dos Campos, 19 - 21 November 2013.
2014 L. Müller, W. Heinze, D. Kozulovic, M. Hepperle, R. Radespiel, "Aerodynamic Installation Effects of an Over-the-Wing Propeller on a High-Lift Configuration", Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 249-258, 2014.
2015 R. Sturm, M. Hepperle, "Crashworthiness and ditching behaviour of blended-wing-body (BWB) aircraft design", International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2015.
  M. Hepperle, "Propeller für elektrisch angetriebene Flugzeuge", Presentation at Symposium on Electric Flight, Airport Stuttgart, 2015.
2016 M. Hepperle, "Aspects of Distributed Propulsion - A View on Regional Aircraft", Presentation at Symposium on Electric Flight, Airport Stuttgart, 2016.
  M. Hepperle, "Case Study — Electric Powered Do 228", ,B DLR-IB-AS-BS-2016-144, ISSN 1614-7790, 2016
2020 Y. J. Hasan, M. S. Roeser, M. Hepperle, S. Niemann, A. Voß, V. Handojo, C. Weiser, "Flight Mechanical Design and Analysis of a Solar-Powered High-Altitude Platform", DGLR-Congress, 2020.
2021 S. Biser, M. Filipenko, M. Boll, N. Kastner, G. Atanasov, M. Hepperle, D. Keller, D. Vechtel, M. Noe,
"Design Space Exploration Study and Optimization of a Distributed Turbo-Electric Propulsion System for a Regional Passenger Aircraft",
2020 AIAA Propulsion and Energy, 24–26/08/2020, New Orleans, LA, USA (2020)
  M. Krengel, M. Hepperle, "Einfluss von Lastabminderung im Flugzeugkonzeptentwurf", Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2021, 31. August - 2. September 2021, Bremen/Online, Germany
  M. Krengel, M. Hepperle, "Effects of Wing Elasticity and Basic Load Alleviation on Conceptual Aircraft Designs", 3601736, AIAA SciTech, 2021
  M. Hepperle, G. Atanasov, D. Keller T. Klimmek, D. Vechtel, "Untersuchung von verteilten hybrid-elektrischen Antrieben an Kurzstreckenflugzeugen", Abschlussbericht Projekt SynergIE, DLR-IB-AS-BS-2021-212, ISSN 1614-7790, 2021
2022 Hasan, Y.J., Roeser, M.S., Hepperle, M.J., Weiser, C., Niemann, S., Voß, A., Handojo, V., "Flight mechanical analysis of a solar-powered high-altitude platform", CEAS Aeronautical Journal 14(5), November 2022
  Krengel, M.D., Hepperle, M.J., "Effects of Wing Elasticity and Basic Load Alleviation on Conceptual Aircraft Designs", AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, January 2022
2023 Krengel, M.D., Hepperle, M.J., "Gust and Maneuver Load Alleviation in Conceptual Aircraft Design", in book: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XIV, September 2023

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